Doki doki literature club kotaku
Doki doki literature club kotaku

doki doki literature club kotaku

I've already seen my fair share of Resident Evil 7 Let's Plays without feeling much in my gut. Gore doesn’t irk me, and monsters are so yesterday. I often feel the same sense of ease when playing horror video games. I can round a corner and, well, gosh! It’s … a dude in a costume and usually some pretty cool makeup. As for haunted houses, with the exception of a few “intensified” experiences, ghouls can’t touch me, and the scares are predictable. I know that movies will progress without my input even if I’m shrinking back a bit in my seat, it’ll keep moving, and I can live out the full experience.

doki doki literature club kotaku

I’m immune to haunted houses and horror movies, because neither one force me out of my comfort zone. During the fall season, I spend a lot of time searching for fresh scares.

Doki doki literature club kotaku